Um ponto de encontro para todos os verdadeiros amantes da Música partilharem as suas paixões neste domínio. Esperam-se críticas construtivas e sugestões sobre os mais variados estilos musicais. Fomentem a ecletecidade...
Here's a link to my new MySpace dedicated to my Balkan Music DJ activities. It's still a bit rough, but hopefully will get better as time goes by. Enjoy if it's due to happen:
"The European Archive is a digital library of cultural artifacts in digital form. We provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public."
"The Internet Archive is building a digital library of Internet sites and other cultural artifacts in digital form. Like a paper library, we provide free access to researchers, historians, scholars, and the general public."
And last but not the least ...
"Musopen is an online music library of copyright free music (public domain music). We want to give the world access to music, without the legal hassles so common today. There is a great deal of music that has expired copyrights, but almost no recordings of this music is in the public domain. We aim to record or obtain recordings that have no copyrights so that our visitors may listen, re-use, or in any way enjoy music. Put simply, our mission is to set music free.
And the interpretation of a youthful Maria-João Pires playing the Andante from Mozart's Piano Sonata No. 10 on the Erato label.
For those who don't have time to write fulltime but have something to say concerning music, please send us your texts, suggestions or comments to the following email, so we can publish them!
Para aqueles que não têm tempo para ser co-autores mas que têm algo a dizer relacionado com música, enviem-nos os vossos textos para este email para que os possamos publicar!